Conference Themes
During the past decades, computational mechanics has become a field of central scientific importance spanning across all fields of science. This conference series is dedicated to bringing together delegates from across the globe to promote computational and applied mechanics on the African continent and worldwide. In this spirit, the following topics will be covered:
100 Biological Systems
200 Control Theory and Optimization
300 Coupled and Contact Problems
400 Damage, Fracture and Failure
500 Data Science and Machine Learning
600 Discretization Methods, Grid, Mesh and Solid Generation
700 Flow Problems
800 Geomechanics and Reservoirs Modelling
900 Graphics and Visualization
1000 High Performance Computing
1100 Inverse Problems, Optimization and Design
1200 Manufacturing and Process Engineering
1300 Material Design and Modelling
1400 Multi-scale and Multi-physics Problems
1500 Numerical Simulation Methods
1600 Reduction Methods
1700 Structural Mechanics, Stability and Dynamics
1800 Uncertainty Quantification and Error Estimation
1900 Others